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How Can Stem Cells Help Low Vision?

stem cell culture grown

Stem cell therapy is an exceptional intervention that can help patients avoid the alternative and risks of retinal surgery– it helps create new retinal pigment cells that help low-vision individuals restore their vision and prevent potential blindness. The article will discuss how stem cells are preferred over high-tech solutions to help the visually impaired integrate into a sighted world.

Cook Your Thanksgiving Healthy Food to Feed Your Eyes


Thanksgiving is coming in America! As a traditional festival, Thanksgiving carries expectations and gratitude. Whether you are with families, friends, or on your own, Thanksgiving dishes should be necessary for the holiday. If you’re not ready to cook for Thanksgiving, don’t worry, this article is going to help.

Why Snow 12 is the Most Popular Large-screen Video Magnifier Worldwide?

snow 12

Many people search for ZOOMAX or ZOOMAX SNOW 12 on Google. Do you know why? — Snow 12 is one of the most popular low-vision portable video magnifiers on the market and has devoted followers all over the world. Let’s listen to people who are talking about SNOW 12 and the change of their life.

6 Key Things about Cataract Surgery

cataracts 1

We usually take our human sight for granted. However, some diseases affect our eyesight and it’s important to know about them. A cataract is one such disease. Cataracts will lead to blurred vision and eventually, you may experience blindness. Cataract surgery can rectify the situation. In this article, we will chat briefly about cataracts and 6 key things you should know about cataract surgery.

Can 20/200 Vision be Improved with Low Vision E-Glasses?

acesight vr

Our vision is extremely important to us. What would the world feel like without sight? That is why we go to the doctor when we are little to check whether our sight is working. Some of us lucky ones have 20/20 vision. But if you are only able to see at 20/200 or lower, even with corrective lenses, you can be diagnosed as legally blind.

More Facts about Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

ophthalmologists diagnosing a patient with amd using eye tests

According to Cleaveland Correction Eye Center, age-related muscular degeneration (AMD) does not cause complete blindness in the patient. However, studies show that AMD causes patients to lose central vision, making it harder to see faces read, and even perform close-up tasks such as cooking and fixing stuff around the house.

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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