Zoomax Will Attend SightCity Frankfurt 2017 With New Product
Zoomax will attend SightCity Frankfurt low vision exhibition 2017 for the blind and visually impaired. A new low vision product will have its first show officially.
Zoomax will attend SightCity Frankfurt low vision exhibition 2017 for the blind and visually impaired. A new low vision product will have its first show officially.
Zoomax attended 2017 CSUN exhibit on March 1st to 3rd, and achieved great success with support from people interested in video magnifiers for low vision use.
Zoomax’s participation to the 32nd CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, held in the disabled-friendly city San Diego,from March 1st-3rd, 2017.
Join Zoomax! Come and check what we provide for our business partners and enjoy 20%+ Off first order for new distributors exclusively!
Zoomax will attend CSUN 2017 Conference. Welcome to our booth #815-819 for our latest assistive technology products for low vision.
Low vision products developer Zoomax attended Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) 2017 with new handheld video magnifier M5 HD Plus.
Blind Citizens Australia joined Zoomax Better Vision program and received Zoomax hottest 7″ handheld video magnifier, CCTV Magnifier Snow 7 HD.
A 2017 Happy New Year from Zoomax Better Vision Program! Thanks for your support during the year, and look forward to working and collaborating with you again in 2017!
Zoomax will attend ATIA 2017 Conference. Welcome to our booth #201 for our latest assistive technology products for low vision.
Zoomax handheld video magnifier Snow 4.3″, as part of Zoomax low vision program Better Vision, reached Robert Coppes Foundation as a Christmas gift.