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Every Little Helps a Mickle

Last week, one of our famous handheld video magnifiers Snow 4.3″ has arrived at a special place – The Seeing Eye guide dog school for the blind. As a part of our corperation with The Seeing Eye, Zoomax donated Snow for this world’s oldest guide dog school’s 8th annual online auction. 

There is an old saying that goes, “every little helps a mickle”. Zoomax hopes that our donation could contribute to the online auction which will be held between April 25 to May 6. auction site at: www.biddingforgood.com/seeingeye

Below is Xylar with Snow 4.3″. Xylar is the office Labrador puppy Xylar who is a Seeing Eye puppy being raised to become a Seeing Eye dog.

Our donation Snow is given the most advanced image technology and best camera. It offers sharp image even at the lowest magnification and under the fast movement. No learning but easy to use at the very beginning with the large buttons and unique one hand control design. You can read and write on the go or at home. If you want to learn more about Snow, please follow this link:

Zoomax always throw ourselves into charity work and public service. We would like to do every effort to create every opportunity for vision impaired and vision loss people. With a continuing strong commitment to charity work and public service, Zoomax will dedicate more resources to those who need it, we also hope more people could help them with us. 

If you are from organization or school and want to cooperate with us, you can also request DEMO Presentation or free support through here https://www.zoomax.com/links.html.

Zoomax believes that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

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