Without Huge Advertising, Why Is Acesight Out of Stock Everywhere?
Without huge advertising, why is the “unknown” wearable low vision aid Acesight electronic glasses such a great hit? 5 reasons can help you get a glimpse. Check them out.
Without huge advertising, why is the “unknown” wearable low vision aid Acesight electronic glasses such a great hit? 5 reasons can help you get a glimpse. Check them out.
What will you do for family members suffering decreased eyesight? Thanks to Ms Jiuqiu Zhao, we have some ideas about what her family do for her aged grandmother. Learn her story here.
Being visually impaired is not a circumstance that a lot of us would suffer. Check the figure on visual impairment, cause, treatment and some current technologies for people with vision loss, and learn this before getting visually impaired.
How do blind parents educate their sighted children in the student life, and what do they learn from the children?
View Susana Rodriguez Gacio’s story: member of the paralympic team, and the first legally blind resident doctor in rehabilitation.
How can visually impaired people do makeup, the most visual of things? Here are some makeup tips for people with visual impairment to apply.
Anyone with family member who is blind or have low vision? Organizing expert Jackie Water has some tips on how to prepare your home after a visual impairment diagnosis.
People face tons of choices when choosing low vision assistive technologies. Some hold the opinions that magnifier apps might be better than video magnifiers. So, is that real?
A story about adjusting vision loss: see how a person with decreasing eyesight adjusts to vision loss, and how her attitude has changed for the years.
No embarrassment when hanging out with your friends with vision loss! A legally blind lady offers us some useful tips for interacting with the visually impaired you need to know.