Thanks to everyone who participated in the “Exchange Your Answer” activity during the SightCity Frankfurt 2015. We have been greatly impressed by your passion and enthusiasm in our booth.
106 pcs of cards were received and here are the lucky person who won free devices from Zoomax. They are Margareta Schmeling, Stefan Hüttern, Thomas Ratthei, Sabine Weber and Claudia Kottmann. We’ll ship the prizes within this week and enjoy your reading experience with Zoomax.
Looking forward to see you next year in Frankfurt. For more information about Zoomax Products and activities, please go to our website or follow our facebook page
For information of Zoomax’s previous performance on SightCity, please check the following links:
SightCity 2014: Welcome Mars HD and Panda to Zoomax Family
SightCity 2013: Gratitude from SightCity Frankfurt 2013
SightCity 2012: Meet Zoomax in SightCity Frankfurt May 23rd to 25th