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Zoomax Butterfly Video Magnifier Is Under the Hammer

From now through April 13th 2017 The Seeing Eye’s Annual Online Auction is open. After joining the same auction in 2016 (for details please see here) with Zoomax product Snow video magnifier, we are proud to cooperate with the Seeing Eye again offering a video magnifier Butterfly for bidding on auction site BiddingForGood.

Zoomax Butterfly handheld video magnifier with one of the Seeing Eye puppies in training

Let’s see how staff Ginger Kutsch comments on this video magnifier Butterfly:

“The Butterfly handheld video magnifier is so lightweight and compact — perfect for our low vision bidders who want a simple convenient way to access printed materials.”

To be a bidding winner, check this link: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=278397798 All items ship FREE!

The Seeing Eye is a philanthropic organization supporting blind people with Seeing Eye dogs since 1920s and it now is the oldest existing guide dog school. After development for decades the Seeing Eye ran the first annual online auction in 2009 as part of Seeing Eye’s 80th Anniversary. In 2017 the auction has made a collection of more than 500 items for people in need to bid on items to help support this cause.

Besides things from well-known brands in blindness/low vision section, the auction category contains more than assistive technologies: handbags, jewelries, spa, and everything people would like to have despite their eye conditions. It’s not an auction for blind or low vision people exclusively but for everyone who care and want to support people with vision loss.

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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