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Zoomax’s Wearable & Portable Assistive Tech Joined BVA Conference

Zoomax USA Booth at BVA Conference
Zoomax Booth @ Blinded Veterans Association 74th National Convention

Zoomax USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zoomax Technology located near Boston, MA, had joined the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) 74th National Convention dedicated to assistive technology for visual impairment in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Zoomax Snow 12, the portable video magnifier which enables people to read, write and do OCR comfortably, and Acesight, the electronic glasses for better visual independence, were on display at the Zoomax USA booth. Reaction to both products was 100% positive.

Acesight Narrow Mode And Outline Function
Above: Acesight Narrow Mode
Below: Acesight Outline function (white on black)

“Outline Mode and Narrow Mode continue to be good features to demonstrate. No other wearable device offers Outline Mode.” said David Bradburn, President of Zoomax USA. “I showed one person with retina pigmentosa the Narrow Mode feature of Acesight. He had no central vision, and his comment was ‘Wow, this is just what the doctor ordered!’”

Viewing pill bottle with Snow 12 portable video magnifier
Viewing text on the pill bottle with Snow 12

Acesight wasn’t the only innovation at Zoomax USA booth. The Snow 12, one of the latest portable video magnifiers, had also been behind the likes of the visitors. People that saw it were all positive about it, especially when it featured the Foldable Stand, full page OCR, and its excellent portability.

The BVA 74th National Convention August was open during 12th-16th, 2019, and will be hosting the 2020 National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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