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A Letter From a Snow User


I have low vision since birth. My eye vision was about 1% for 37 years. Three years ago, I got a surgery on my left eye and my left eye can see 10% on short distances and still 1% on long distances. For small print, and store labels, I was using a mechanical magnifier which is that small that it takes only 2-3 characters at once. Last year, I visited the “QAC sight village” in London, an exhibition for tools and equipment for people with none or partial vision. I knew previously about the electronic magnifiers but never paid serious attention to it.

I saw some on last year’s London event and as I usually do decided to research the story before I purchase one. I used internet and other means and decided to purchase the Optilec compact mini magnifier, but also decided to look at the magnifiers on this year’s exhibition in London. I saw the Zoomax Snow on the web, but thought that it is very bad because the camera is left sight located and thought the image will not center to my eye.I saw the Zoomax on the exhibition and sure the image gets centered respective to my eye and I found out it is much better than the already chosen magnifier.

Firstly the Zoomax Snow has perfect screen size, not too large but not too small, just the right one to smoothly read texts. The unit has a lot more contrast modes than my first choice including my favorite one blue background and yellow characters. I was using this in DOS times. Last but not least, Zoomax has a larger magnification than my firstly chosen magnifier. I saw a friend of mine who uses another magnifier but due to low magnification. He finds out that Zoomax is much more helpful. I tested my Zoomax on a store, where as you know, the labels are not always positioned close enough. I use the “image freeze” function and was able to read labels that I never read before. I found out that the Zoomax can be used to read computer screens, just the unit lights should be turned off and the screen must get brightness and contrast at about 90%. I think I made real nice Christmas gift for myself purchasing Zoomax.

Wish the producer a lot of success, they are on right direction.


Nikolay from Bulgaria

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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