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Comments on Handheld Video Magnifier M5 HD Plus from CAC

As an electronic magnifier, M5 Plus HD is definitely comparable with those made in Europe or the US, and it’s something you (and the Chinese people) can take pride in. I hope in the future, Zoomax will not only dominate the Vision aid market, but transform it for the better.

It’s difficult to justify the price point of $600+- if you consider the hardware involved, this criticism can be applied to the electronic magnifiers everywhere, not just the M5 plus, considering that I bought my LG G5 last November for $499.00, which has 16 MP rear camera. I totally understand that the accessibility market is not as robust as the mainstream market, but you have to consider that people are going to use smartphones as a gage when evaluate the prices, also those who don’t know how to access a smartphone will slowly die off. So Zoomax needs to invest in vision software engineering AKA App development.

Comments in post are from Mr. Luke Hsieh, assistive technology advocate in Community Access Center (see the news Community Access Center received Zoomax M5 HD Plus published in 14th June, 2017). Zoomax made some replies regarding the question, doubt and suggstion in the comments. The paragraph order was changed due to the typesetting needs.

Zoomax reply:

The price is not cheap considering the hardware improvement especially those occuring on mobile phones. However, the pricing of USD 600+ is quite reasonable in low vision market. Other brands are selling 5 inch video magnifier pricing USD 900 with similar functions such as zoom in and zoom out, change color modes, saving photos. The most concerning function for low vision people is to read with fine image quality and M5 HD plus can definitely meets their needs without investing too much. It is also lightweight and people can carry it on the go.

Additionally, thanks for your suggestion on investing in vision software engineering. We are glad to tell you that this is exactly what Zoomax focuses on right now. Zoomax is one of the brands of Rejoin Group delivering innovative solutions in various vision-related markets such as low vision, myopia control and ophthalmic equipment. The next product ready to release implements Android platform which is a totally different algorithm from the old platform with more possibility. As mentioned, there are still some people don’t know how to access smartphone, especially seniors. People in USA is more open-minded and has big chance to touch the mobile technology than any other country in the world, while it might not be the same case in European countries and developing countries.

Relative information:

Product – Handheld Video Magnifier M5 HD Plus

News – Community Access Center received Zoomax M5 HD Plus

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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