The Zoomax Snow 7 HD video magnifier features simple controls to provide both up-close and distance viewing.
The Zoomax Snow 7 HD is a portable video magnifier designed as a reading aid for persons who are visually impaired.
Just like desktop and handheld magnifiers, the Snow 7 can both enlarge and capture text and images and is among the lightest portable high-definition CCTVs available.
The Snow 7 display shows more words and parts of an image per screen than most portable CCTVs. Its built-in reading stand enables users to find the most comfortable position for sustained reading or writing, e.g. signing checks, filling in forms, or doing homework.
Andrew Leibs, feature writer at Western University of Health Sciences
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Andrew Leibs is a chronicler of the Disability Movement with particular interests in low-vision literacy, accessible recreation, and disability in culture. He is the award-winning author of two books and over 2,800 articles.
Leibs first book, A Field Guide for the Sight-Impaired Reader (Greenwood Press) was the first reference designed especially for students; his writings on blind literacy have appeared in Disability Studies Quarterly, Careers and the Disabled, and RFB&D Teacher’s Aide.