I have been legal blind for the last 15 years. My husband, parents, and my friends used to help me in most of my needs. I would like to thank all of them for supporting me throughout my difficult period in the past.
Reading and writing, which seem so easy for people, but not for people with low vision. Luckily, during the last 5 years I have become mostly independent by using different techniques. These techniques have made reading and writing easier and also enabled me to achieve many things in my life. I use the Zoomax Snow magnifier these two years, which helps me to read whatever is on the books. And I Just tried Aurora HD, this CCTV is also excellent.
Today, I work with my family running a book shop. With the availability of these assistive technology products, it becomes easy for me to handle day to day operations. With the availability of new technology I can say that it’s possible to do anything.