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“He Could See His Fiancée From Across the Room”

This is long but, so worth it. Since Tanner was 3 and we got his official diagnosis for his vision, we’ve waited for a…

Posted by Susan Wilks Huff on Monday, June 28, 2021

Check this out! An Acesight feedback by Susan sharing how excited she was to see Acesight electronic glasses helped her son out.

The new Acesight device has enabled Tanner to go from 20/200 and 20/400 all the way down to 20/40, long distance vision!

For the first time in his life he could see what we see and it overwhelmed him. We walked to a restaurant to celebrate and again, for the first time, he was able to read the menu independently.

Now, we’re gonna be at every concert we can get tix for….and we can sit in the disabilities section and still enjoy it! Movie theatres, bike riding, Disneyland! Oh my! This is one excited and humbled momma.

Susan Wilks Huff, mother of Tanner

Related information:

Product – Acesight


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