Zoomax joined Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) in Orlando, FL on 30th Jan to 2nd Feb 2019 at Caribe Royale Orlando.
Every year, ATIA hosts an international conference for visitors globally to learn about new, innovational results in assistive technology. In 2019, ATIA drew the attention of attendance well over 3,000 people.
During the exhibit time, Zoomax provided our brand new wearable device Acesight for the low vision visitors to try, and offered great opportunity to try the video magnifier with text to speech Snow 10 Pro for 30 days for only $9.99. At night, Zoomax hosted a dessert party with free beers and cakes. Additionally, a “Making Instructional Materials Accessible for Students with Low vision” session was presented by David Bradburn, president of Zoomax USA.
Once again, Acesight, the electronic glasses, became the highlight of Zoomax show. Justine T, the Low Vision project Leader for the American Printing House for the Blind, who had Stargardt disease, tried the Acesight at the booth. She found Acesight, as well as the Snow 10 Pro, the video magnifier that with speech, helped her a lot. The wearable low vision aids will be presented at CSUN expo 2019 in March as well.
Please click to know more about Zoomax’s previous performance in ATIA in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013.